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You can use the beforeUpdate lifecycle function in a SvelteKit page to execute a function upon route change without implementing it in a layout file.

Here's an example:

<!-- Page.svelte -->
  async function getAccessToken() {
    // Code to retrieve access token

  beforeUpdate(async () => {
    const accessToken = await getAccessToken();
    // Code to use access token

<h1>Hello, world!</h1>

The beforeUpdate function runs before the component updates, which will happen upon route change. In this example, getAccessToken is an async function that retrieves an access token, and then the code that uses the access token can be implemented after it is obtained.

Note that this implementation will not work if you navigate between pages in SvelteKit using the router.push() method, as this method does not trigger a route change. In that case, you could use the onMount lifecycle function instead.