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initial version
  1. First, make sure that the MySQL server is running and you have the correct host name, port number, username, and password to connect to the database.

  2. Add the required dependencies to your project. You will need:

    • JDBC driver library for MySQL
    • Android Volley library for network requests
    • JSON library for parsing data
  3. Create a new Java class for managing database connections. This class should have the necessary methods for querying the database, returning results, and managing database connections.

  4. Use the Android Volley library to make HTTP requests to the server, using the appropriate URL to access the desired database resource.

  5. Use the JSON library to parse the returned data and manipulate it as needed in your Android application.

  6. Remember to handle any exceptions that may arise during the connection or query process, and keep your connection and query code safe by using secure practices like prepared statements and parameter binding.