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To link or integrate MongoDB with Google Data Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Open your MongoDB instance and create a project.
  2. Click on "Integrations" and select "Google Data Studio."
  3. Click on "Connect" and sign in to your Google account.
  4. Grant access to the Data Studio connector and click "Allow."
  5. Choose the database and collection you want to connect to.
  6. Click on "Connect" to establish a connection between your MongoDB instance and Google Data Studio.
  7. Create a new report in Google Data Studio and select "Data Source."
  8. Find the MongoDB connector in the list of available connectors and select it.
  9. Enter the connection details and credentials for your MongoDB instance.
  10. Choose the appropriate database and collection from the drop-down menus.
  11. Click on "Connect" to link your MongoDB data to Google Data Studio.

Once the connection is established, you can use the visualization and reporting tools available in Google Data Studio to create customized reports and dashboards based on your MongoDB data.