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There could be various reasons why the Flutter Map is not updating when there are changes to the coordinates in Consumer. Some of the possible reasons could be:

  1. Incorrect usage of the setState() method: If the setState() method is not used correctly, the updated values may not be reflected in the map. Make sure that the setState() method is called after the new values are updated in the Consumer.

  2. Improper implementation of the Consumer widget: Check if the Consumer widget is implemented correctly and is listening to the correct data stream. Also, ensure that the Builder function of the Consumer widget is properly implemented to display the updated values.

  3. Using a Stateful widget instead of a StatefulWidget: If a Stateful widget is used instead of a StatefulWidget, the map may not update as expected. Make sure that the widget used is a StatefulWidget to enable it to update the map when there are changes.

  4. Incorrect map initialization: Check the initialization of the map and ensure that it is set up correctly. The map should be initialized with the correct markers and zoom level that reflect the updated values in the Consumer.

  5. Limited scope of the Consumer: Sometimes, the Consumer widget may not reflect changes because it has a limited scope. Make sure that the Consumer widget has access to all the required variables and methods to update the map with the new values.