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To incorporate Realm database into a Flutter project developed with Android Studio, follow the steps below:

  1. Add the Realm dependency: Add the Realm dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. To do this, open the file and add the following line to the dependencies section:
  realm_flutter: ^0.4.1
  1. Import the Realm plugin: To use the Realm plugin in your project, you need to import it in your Dart code. To do this, open your main.dart file and add the following line at the top of the file:
import 'package:realm_flutter/realm_flutter.dart';
  1. Initialize the Realm plugin: Before you can use the Realm plugin in your project, you need to initialize it. To do this, add the following code in your main function:
void main() async {
  await Realm.init();
  1. Create a Realm app: To start using the Realm database, you need to create a Realm app. To do this, add the following code to your main.dart file:
final app = RealmApp(
  id: '<Your-Realm-App-ID>',
  1. Authenticate the user: Once you have created a Realm app, you need to authenticate the user. To do this, add the following code to your login page:
final credential = Credentials.emailPassword(
  email: '<Your-Email>',
  password: '<Your-Password>',

final user = await app.logIn(credential);
  1. Use the Realm database: Once the user is authenticated, you can use the Realm database. To create a new Realm instance, use the following code:
final realm = user.mongoClient.database('<Your-Database-Name>');
final collection = realm.collection('<Your-Collection-Name>');
final results = await collection.find();

You can then use the results from the database in your Flutter app.