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To include a folder and its files into a Docker image using Centos and the ADD command, follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder and add the necessary files inside it. For example, you can create a folder called "myapp" and add all your application files inside it.

  2. Create a Dockerfile in the same folder as your "myapp" folder. This Dockerfile should start with the following line:

    FROM centos

    This line sets the base image for the Docker image to be CentOS.

  3. Use the ADD command in your Dockerfile to add the "myapp" folder and its contents to the Docker image. The syntax for the ADD command is as follows:

    ADD <src> <dest>

    In this case, we want to add the "myapp" folder to the Docker image, so the <src> parameter will be "myapp". The <dest> parameter specifies the location in the Docker image where the folder will be added. For this example, we will add it to the root directory of the image, so the <dest> parameter will be "/".

    The complete ADD command in the Dockerfile will look like this:

    ADD myapp /

  4. Save the Dockerfile and the "myapp" folder in the same directory.

  5. Build the Docker image using the following command:

    docker build -t myimage .

    The "-t" parameter specifies the name you want to give to the image. In this example, we are giving it the name "myimage". The "." specifies the current directory as the build context for the Docker image.

  6. Once the Docker image is built, you can run it and access the "myapp" folder and its contents from within the container.

    docker run -it myimage /bin/bash

    This command starts a new container from the "myimage" image and opens a Bash shell inside it. You can then navigate to the "/myapp" directory and access its contents.