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After a user logs in and their user ID is stored in the login object, it can be accessed in the resolvers through the context parameter. The context parameter is a plain JavaScript object that is passed to every resolver in the GraphQL query execution. To include the user ID in the context, it can be added to the context object when setting up the GraphQL server.

Once the user ID is included in the context, it can be accessed in any resolver by referencing it as context.login.userId. For example, if you have a resolver that needs to fetch data specific to the logged-in user, you can use their user ID to filter the data.

Here's an example of how the user ID can be utilized in a resolver function:

function books(parent, args, context) {
  const { userId } = context.login;

  // Fetch books data from the database using the userId to filter
  const data = fetchBooksByUserId(userId);

  // return the data
  return data;

In this example, the books resolver function fetches the books data specific to the logged-in user by using their user ID, which was passed in the context parameter.