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There are several ways to utilize transactions in the cloud to extract information from various documents and make changes to several of them, including:

  1. Using cloud-based document management systems that allow for batch processing and bulk editing of documents. These systems often use transactional processing to ensure that changes are made consistently across all documents.

  2. Implementing automated workflows that use document extraction and transformation tools to analyze and process multiple documents at once. In this case, the transactional nature of the workflows ensures that changes made to one document are reflected in all others.

  3. Utilizing API-driven integrations between different cloud-based applications that deal with document management and processing. These integrations can use transactional processing to ensure that data is synced correctly between different systems.

  4. Creating custom scripts or applications that use cloud-based APIs to extract data from documents and make changes to them in a transactional manner. These scripts can be scheduled to run periodically to ensure that documents are always up-to-date.

Overall, the key to utilizing transactions in the cloud to extract information from various documents and make changes to several of them is to use cloud-based tools and systems that are designed to work together and ensure consistency across all documents.