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There may be several reasons why the azure-cosmos-emulator becomes unresponsive when generating a database. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Insufficient hardware resources: The azure-cosmos-emulator requires a certain amount of CPU, memory, and disk space to run properly. If your system does not meet the minimum requirements, it may become unresponsive during the database generation process.

  2. Corrupted installation: If the azure-cosmos-emulator is not installed correctly or becomes corrupted, it may malfunction during the database generation process.

  3. Network issues: If there are network issues between your system and the azure-cosmos-emulator, it may cause the emulator to become unresponsive.

To address this issue, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Check your system's hardware resources to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for the emulator.

  2. Reinstall the azure-cosmos-emulator to ensure that it is installed correctly and not corrupted.

  3. Check your network connection and ensure that there are no issues affecting connectivity between your system and the emulator.

  4. Try generating the database again, and if the issue persists, contact Microsoft Support for further assistance.