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The following are the steps to programmatically access the installed certificate on an Android device using Xamarin:

  1. Create a new Xamarin.Android application in Visual Studio.
  2. In the MainActivity.cs file, add the following using statement: using Java.Security;
  3. In the OnCreate() method of MainActivity class, add the following code snippet: KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.GetInstance(KeyStore.DefaultType); keyStore.Load(null, null); var aliases = keyStore.Aliases(); while (aliases.HasMoreElements()) { string alias = aliases.NextElement().ToString(); var cert = keyStore.GetCertificate(alias); // Perform desired operation with the certificate }
  4. The above code initializes a KeyStore object and loads the system default trust store. It then retrieves the aliases of the certificates in the store and iterates over them to retrieve each certificate using GetCertificate() method.
  5. Once you have retrieved the certificate, you can perform any desired operations using the certificate.