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To save a Boolean variable in SQFLite, you can first convert the Boolean value to an integer (0 or 1) using a ternary operator. For example:

bool myBool = true;
int myInt = myBool ? 1 : 0;

Then, you can use the insert or update method from SQFLite to store the integer value in a database column with the appropriate data type, such as INTEGER or BOOLEAN. For example:

await db.insert('myTable', {'myBooleanColumn': myInt});

To retrieve the Boolean value from the database, you can read the integer value from the column and convert it back to a Boolean using another ternary operator. For example:

int myIntFromDb = await db.query('myTable', columns: ['myBooleanColumn']);
bool myBoolFromDb = myIntFromDb == 1 ? true : false;