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  1. Use proper transaction management: Always use the appropriate transaction management methods, such as BeginTransaction and Commit/RollbackTransaction, to ensure that transactions are properly executed and closed.

  2. Optimize SQL Statements: Optimize SQL statements to avoid inserts, updates or deletes that may lock the entire table or database.

  3. Use Connection Pooling: Connection pooling reduces the overhead of opening and closing database connections. With connection pooling, connections are reused.

  4. Avoid the use of table locks: FireDAC and SQL Server supports row-level locks, which permit multiple transactions to access the same table simultaneously. Avoid locking more rows or tables when updating, deleting or inserting rows.

  5. Use the appropriate locking mechanism: Use the appropriate locking mechanism to prevent deadlocks, blockages or other issues. Row-level locking is often the best approach if the updates involve many rows.

  6. Use the proper database isolation level: Choose a database isolation level that meets your application requirements. The default isolation level is set to ReadCommitted which provides better performance by reducing data consistency.

  7. Monitor the transaction log file: Monitor the transaction log file and avoid filling it up by committing transactions as soon as possible.

  8. Tune performance settings: Tune performance settings that control the number of connections or threads that FireDAC can use, and avoid overloading the server.

  9. Use exception handling techniques: Use exception handling techniques to handle errors that may occur during transactions. Catching and reporting exceptions can help in debugging of the transactions.

  10. Keep the database running smoothly: Keep the database running smoothly by maintaining and optimizing the database regularly using tools like backups and online index rebuild.