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Netplan is a command-line utility used in modern Ubuntu versions to configure networking. You can use Python to set up netplan by creating and editing YAML configuration files.

Here’s how you can do it in a few steps:

  1. Open a new file in Python and import the required libraries:
import os
import yaml
  1. Create a Python dictionary with the network configuration parameters you want to set up. For example:
netplan_config = {
    'network': {
        'version': 2,
        'renderer': 'networkd',
        'ethernets': {
            'eth0': {
                'dhcp4': True,

This configuration sets up DHCP for the eth0 network interface.

  1. Convert the dictionary to a YAML string using the PyYAML library:
netplan_config_yaml = yaml.dump(netplan_config)
  1. Write the YAML string to a file using the OS library:
with open('/etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml', 'w') as file:

Note that the filename and path may vary depending on your system configuration.

  1. Finally, apply the changes using the netplan command-line utility:
os.system('sudo netplan --debug apply')

This runs the netplan command with the debug option to apply the new network configuration.

And that’s it! Your Python code has set up netplan with the network configuration you specified.