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To add the indices of several columns from a named range using SUMIFS in Excel 2007, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on any cell where you want to display the result.

  2. Type the formula "=SUMIFS()" without quotes.

  3. Within the parentheses, type the first argument - the named range that contains the columns you want to add. For example, if your named range is "SalesData" and you want to add columns A, B and E, you should specify the range as "SalesData[A:E]".

  4. Type a comma to separate the first argument from the second.

  5. Within the parentheses, type the second argument - the range or criteria to match. For example, if you want to add only the values in columns A, B and E where column D has a specific value, you would enter "SalesData[D:D]" followed by the criteria in double quotes, separated by a comma.

  6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for each additional range or criteria you want to include in your SUMIFS formula.

  7. Press Enter to display the result in the cell.

For example, the formula "=SUMIFS(SalesData[A:E], SalesData[D:D], "Widget", SalesData[F:F], ">100")" would add the values in columns A, B and E in the named range "SalesData" where column D equals "Widget" and column F is greater than 100.