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There may be several reasons why the user interface is not updating when adding a custom object with data binding in .NET MAUI. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Incorrect binding: Make sure that you have correctly bound the custom object properties to the UI elements. Check the binding expression and ensure that it points to the correct object and property.

  2. Property change notification: Ensure that the custom object implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and raises the PropertyChanged event when its property values change. This will inform the UI to update its bound values.

  3. Binding context: Check that the binding context for the UI element is set to the correct object instance. If the binding context is not set, the UI will not be able to bind to the custom object properties.

  4. Threading: Ensure that you are updating the custom object properties on the main UI thread. If you update the properties on a background thread, the UI may not be updated immediately.

  5. Refreshing the UI: Sometimes, the UI may not update automatically even after the custom object properties change. In this case, you may need to manually refresh the UI by calling the OnPropertyChanged method or invoking the Refresh method on the UI control.

By addressing these issues, you should be able to update the user interface when adding a custom object with data binding in .NET MAUI.