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There may be several reasons why the iOS build of Flutter plugin encounters failure, including:

  1. Missing dependencies: The plugin may require certain dependencies that are not installed or updated. Make sure to check the plugin's documentation and update the dependencies accordingly.

  2. Compatibility issues: The plugin may not be compatible with the latest version of iOS or Xcode. Make sure to check the plugin's compatibility with the specific operating system and Xcode version.

  3. Configuration issues: The plugin may have incorrect configuration settings or missing configuration files, which can cause build failures.

  4. Code errors: The plugin code may contain errors or bugs that cause build issues. Debugging the code and fixing the errors can help resolve the issue.

  5. Build environment: The build environment may not be set up properly, leading to build failures. Make sure to check the build settings and configurations and ensure everything is set up correctly.

In general, it's important to carefully review any error messages or logs to determine the cause of the build failure and take appropriate steps to resolve the issue.