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There are several polyfills for Webpack that can be used in a React application with MQTT:

  1. babel-polyfill: This is a popular polyfill that adds support for newer ECMAScript features to older browsers.

  2. es6-shim: This provides a set of polyfills for ES6 features like Promises, Maps, and Sets.

  3. web-animations-js: This polyfill adds support for the Web Animations API to browsers that do not support it natively.

  4. fetch polyfill: This polyfill adds support for the Fetch API to older browsers.

  5. eventsource polyfill: This polyfill adds support for the EventSource API to older browsers.

  6. WebSocket polyfill: This polyfill adds support for WebSockets to older browsers.

  7. mqtt.js: This is a JavaScript library that provides a client for MQTT, a lightweight messaging protocol commonly used in IoT applications.

  8. react-mqtt: This is a library that provides React components for working with MQTT.