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Here are the steps to create a tag collection view without using any libraries:

Step 1: Create a Collection View Create a standard UICollectionView in your storyboard or programmatically.

Step 2: Set up a Custom Collection View Cell Create a custom UICollectionViewCell subclass that will be used to represent each tag. This cell should be designed as per your tag design.

Step 3: Set Up Data for Collection View Create a data model containing the tags you want to display. This could be an array or dictionary of strings, or a custom object if necessary.

Step 4: Implement UICollectionViewDataSource Protocol Implement the UICollectionViewDataSource protocol to populate the collection view with the tag data.

Step 5: Set Up Collection View Layout Configure the layout of your collection view to display the tags as desired, either using a flow layout or a custom layout subclass.

Step 6: Handle Tag Selection Handle tag selection by implementing the UICollectionViewDelegate protocol. You can use this protocol to track which tags have been selected, and to update your UI accordingly.

Step 7: Customize Appearance Customize the appearance of your tags using the UICollectionViewCell subclass. You may want to add custom fonts, colors or images to make the tags more visually appealing.

Step 8: Add Animation Add animation to the tag appearance when selecting a tag. For example, changing the tag background color when selected, or adding a tick mark.

Step 9: Test and Debug Test your tag collection view by running your app and ensuring that everything works as expected. Debug as necessary to fix any issues that arise.

By following these steps, you can create a tag collection view without using any third-party libraries.