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To access the info mode in Emacs and open a *.info file, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Emacs on your system.
  2. To enter the Emacs info mode, type "C-h i".
  3. This will open the Emacs info mode. Type the name of the info file you want to open and hit the Enter key.
  4. You can navigate through the file using the arrow keys on your keyboard or by using the mouse.
  5. To exit Emacs info mode, type "q".

Alternatively, you can also open a file in info mode by typing the following command into your Emacs buffer:

M-x info RET path/to/ RET

Replace "path/to/" with the actual path to the info file you want to open, and then hit the Enter key. This will open the file in the Emacs info mode.