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Here are the high-level steps to integrate AWS Amplify authentication into a monorepo using Nx:

  1. Configure your Nx workspace to include the necessary libraries and dependencies for Amplify authentication. This may involve installing the @aws-amplify/auth library, setting up any necessary environment variables, and configuring Nx to run Amplify scripts.

  2. Create a new library in your monorepo specifically for handling Amplify authentication. This will serve as a central point for all authentication-related code, including login, registration, password reset, and user profile management.

  3. Implement your authentication flow in the new library using the Amplify authentication APIs. This may involve creating custom components and/or services to handle user input and API calls to Amplify.

  4. Integrate your authentication library with the rest of your monorepo, ensuring that any components or services that require authentication can access the necessary user data and authentication APIs. This may involve creating wrappers around existing components or services, or modifying existing code to work with the new authentication library.

  5. Test your authentication flow thoroughly, ensuring that users can register, log in, reset their passwords, and update their profile information as expected.

  6. Deploy your changes to an environment that's accessible to your users, and monitor your application for any issues or bugs that may arise.

By following these steps, you can successfully integrate AWS Amplify authentication into your Nx monorepo, allowing you to easily manage and secure user data across your application.