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MySQL can produce nested JSON objects using the JSON_OBJECT function. This function allows you to build a JSON object by combining key/value pairs. When constructing the JSON object, you can specify a nested structure by passing another JSON object as the value for a key. This process can be repeated for building a nested JSON object.

For example, the following MySQL query produces a nested JSON object:

SELECT JSONOBJECT( 'name', 'John', 'age', 30, 'contacts', JSONOBJECT( 'email', '', 'phone', '+1 123-456-7890' ) ) as user;

This query produces the following JSON object:

{ "name": "John", "age": 30, "contacts": { "email": "", "phone": "+1 123-456-7890" } }

In this example, the "contacts" key has a value that is itself a JSON object, thus creating a nested structure.