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There are several steps that can be taken to avoid XSS/Cross site scripting vulnerability when using request.getParameter() in JSP:

  1. Validate Input Data: Before processing the input data, validate it for correctness and safety. Make sure that the data does not contain any malicious scripts or characters.

  2. Sanitize User Input Data: Use an input sanitizer to remove any malicious scripts or characters that could exploit vulnerabilities in the system.

  3. Use Proper Encoding: Use proper encoding techniques like HTML escaping, URL encoding, or Base64 encoding to ensure that the input data is not manipulated or affected by any malicious scripts.

  4. Avoid Dynamic Javascript: Avoid using dynamic JavaScript code in JSP because it can make your JSP application more vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.

  5. Configure Security Filters: Configure security filters to filter out any suspicious input data and block any potential attacks.

  6. Use a Web Application Firewall: Use a web application firewall (WAF) that can detect and block any malicious requests before they reach the JSP application.

By implementing these steps, you can minimize the risk of XSS/Cross site scripting vulnerability when using request.getParameter() in JSP.