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There could be a few reasons why the custom location permission message is not displaying on iOS in a managed Expo React Native app:

  1. The NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key is missing from the app's Info.plist file. This key is required to display the custom location permission message on iOS.

  2. The Info.plist file has been modified or edited after the initial build. If this is the case, the changes may not have been properly linked to the app's binary during the subsequent builds.

  3. The app may not have requested location permissions at all. Developers should ensure that the Permissions.LOCATION module is properly imported and used to request location permissions from the user.

  4. The app may not have been granted location permissions by the user. In this case, the custom location permission message will not be displayed. Developers should ensure that the app checks for and handles cases where the user denies location permissions.

  5. There may be a bug or error in the app's code that is preventing the custom location permission message from displaying correctly. Developers should review their code to ensure that they are correctly implementing location permissions and checking for errors.