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There may be several reasons why the FreeRTOS framework is not included in the list of platforms available for use with nRF52 in PlatformIO:

  1. FreeRTOS may not be as popular as other frameworks and platforms, so PlatformIO may not have included it in the default list.

  2. PlatformIO may be constantly updating their list of available platforms, so it is possible that FreeRTOS will be added in the future.

  3. FreeRTOS may be compatible with nRF52, but it may require additional configuration or installation steps that are not currently automated in PlatformIO.

Regardless of the reason, it is still possible to use FreeRTOS with nRF52 in PlatformIO. Users can create a new project in PlatformIO, manually include the FreeRTOS framework, and configure it for use with nRF52.