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To add a search bar to the header of your Square Space 7.1 website, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. First, log in to your Square Space account and go to the website editor.
  2. Click on the header section of your website.
  3. From the header section, select the "Add Block" option.
  4. In the "Add Block" window, search for "Search" and select the "Search Bar" block option.
  5. Customize the search bar according to your preference, such as changing the search placeholder text or adjusting the width and height of the search bar.
  6. Once you have customized the search bar, click "Apply" to add it to your website header.
  7. Save your changes and reload your website to see the search bar in the header.

Note that the search bar may not appear in the header of all templates, so you may need to check with your template's documentation to confirm if it is possible to add a search bar in the header.