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In ASP.NET 7, routing to an SPA (Single Page Application) involves routing to a client-side application that manages its own routing and view rendering, while routing to a controller involves routing to a server-side application that generates and returns dynamic views based on data queries.

When routing to an SPA, the server typically only serves the initial page content and the client-side application takes over from there, handling subsequent navigation and rendering of views. This approach can provide a smoother user experience as there is less page reloading and round-tripping to the server, but requires more client-side development effort to implement and maintain.

Routing to a controller in ASP.NET 7 involves mapping URLs to server-side code that generates and returns HTML responses based on various data inputs. Controllers can also handle other server-side functionality such as authentication, authorization, and data processing. This approach requires more server-side development effort but can be more flexible and easier to maintain as it is not dependent on the client-side technology used.

Overall, the choice of routing approach depends on the specific requirements of the application and the development team's expertise and preferences.