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There are several possible reasons for the failure of passing a JSON-encoded JavaScript fetch post to a PHP script, including:

  1. Incorrect JSON encoding: If the JSON encoding of the data being passed is incorrect, the PHP script may not be able to correctly parse the data, leading to errors.

  2. Mismatched data types: If the data types of the JSON-encoded data being passed do not match the expected data types in the PHP script, errors may occur.

  3. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) issues: If the PHP script is hosted on a different domain than the JavaScript code, CORS restrictions may prevent the data from being passed successfully.

  4. Server-side PHP script configuration issues: If the PHP script is not properly configured to receive and parse JSON-encoded data, errors may occur.

  5. Network issues: Connection timeout, bandwidth limitations, and network instability could be other reasons for the failure of passing a JSON-encoded JavaScript fetch post to a PHP script.