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There are several ways to include user data in the logging context based on the request:

  1. Using a middleware: A middleware can be created to extract the user data from the request headers or session and add it to the logging context. This middleware can be added to the request pipeline to run before any request handling logic.

  2. Using a request context: Some logging frameworks support the use of a request context, which can be used to store data specific to a request. The user data can be added to this context and then retrieved and included in the logging messages.

  3. Using a logging adapter: If the application has an authentication or authorization system, a logging adapter can be created to handle the user data. The adapter can extract the user data from the authentication or authorization system and add it to the logging context.

Regardless of the approach chosen, it is important to ensure that sensitive user data is not included in the logging messages. This can be achieved by masking or redacting the data before it is included in the logging context.