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The process of generating a PDF file in PHP utilizing FPDF involves the following steps:

  1. Download and install FPDF library.
  2. Create a new PHP file and include FPDF library using the require() function.
  3. Define PDF document properties such as author, title, and subject.
  4. Create a new PDF object using the FPDF constructor, specifying the page size and orientation.
  5. Add a new page to the PDF document using the AddPage() method.
  6. Define the content of the PDF document by adding text, images, and other elements using FPDF methods.
  7. Output the PDF document to the browser or save it to the server using the Output() method.

Here's an example code for generating a simple PDF file:


$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');

This code creates a new PDF object, adds a new page, sets the font and adds a cell with the text "Hello World!". Finally, the PDF document is outputted to the browser.