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There could be several reasons why a shell script is unresponsive when a value is passed from Python, including:

  1. Incorrect syntax: The script might have incorrect syntax, causing it to fail and not respond. Make sure that the script is properly formatted and follows the right syntax.

  2. Permissions: The script may not have appropriate permissions to execute. Check the execution permissions for the script.

  3. Input format: The script may be expecting input in a specific format, and the Python program may be passing it in a different format. Verify that the input format matches the script requirements.

  4. Networking issues: There may be networking issues between the Python program and the shell script, causing communication delays or timeouts.

  5. Resource issues: The script may be hogging system resources, causing it to become unresponsive. Check for any memory leaks, infinite loops, or other issues that may be causing the script to consume excessive resources.