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Assuming the dates in string format are in ISO8601 format, you can use the "ORDER BY" clause in your InfluxDB query to sort the results in ascending order based on the dates.

The basic syntax for sorting the results in ascending order using "ORDER BY" is as follows:

SELECT <fields> FROM <measurement> WHERE <conditions> ORDER BY time ASC

Here, "time" is the default time field in InfluxDB, and "ASC" is used to indicate ascending order. You can modify this query to suit your specific requirements.

For example, if your query is:

SELECT temperature FROM sensors WHERE location='kitchen'

You can modify it to sort the results in ascending order based on time, as follows:

SELECT temperature FROM sensors WHERE location='kitchen' ORDER BY time ASC

This will return the results sorted in ascending order based on the time field (assuming it is in ISO8601 format).