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There are various methods for transmitting a signal to a subprocess named Child, depending on the programming language and operating system being used. However, a common method is to use the kill function or command.

In Linux or Unix systems, the kill command can be used to send a signal to a process by specifying its ID (PID) or its name. For example, to send the SIGTERM signal to a process named Child, you can use the following command:

killall -TERM Child

In Python programming language, you can use the os.kill function to send a signal to a process by specifying its PID. For example, to send the SIGTERM signal to a subprocess with PID 1234, you can use the following code:

import os

os.kill(1234, signal.SIGTERM)

Note that in both cases, the subprocess must have implemented a signal handler to handle the incoming signal appropriately. Also, some signals may have different effects on different systems, so it is important to check the documentation for the specific signal being used.