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There could be a few possible reasons why the Cloud Pub/Sub publish function is becoming unresponsive when utilizing futures.wait. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Incorrect usage of futures.wait: futures.wait is a method that blocks until all submitted futures are complete. If there is any misusage of the futures.wait method, it could cause the publish function to become unresponsive. Double-check to make sure you are correctly handling the return values from futures.wait and that you are submitting the correct futures to the method.

  2. Rate limiting: If you are publishing a large number of messages concurrently, there may be rate limiting occurring on the Pub/Sub API side. Check the error log to see if there are any rate limiting messages. If there are, try pacing your publishes to avoid hitting rate limits.

  3. Network connectivity issues: If there are issues with network connectivity, it could cause the publish function to become unresponsive. Check to make sure your network settings are correct and the Pub/Sub API is accessible.

  4. Code issues: There may be issues with the code itself that is causing the publish function to become unresponsive. Check the error log to see if there are any exceptions being thrown or other error messages. Consider debugging the code to find and fix any issues.