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initial version
  1. Identify your public IP address: Visit any website that provides your public IP address, such as,, or

  2. Log in to the AWS Management Console: Navigate to the EC2 Dashboard.

  3. Select the security group that needs to restrict inbound access.

  4. Click on the "Inbound Rules" tab.

  5. Edit the inbound rules: Remove the existing inbound rule(s) and add a new rule.

  6. Choose the protocol: Select the protocol you want to allow, such as "SSH" or "HTTP".

  7. Choose the source: Add your IP address, followed by "/32" to indicate that you want to allow traffic from a single IP address.

  8. Save the changes: Click "Save" to save the new inbound rule.

Now, the security group will only accept incoming traffic from your IP address for the chosen protocol.