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The java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error in SAP HANA JDBC Driver could be caused by a variety of issues, including:

  1. Indexing errors: When the code tries to access an array element beyond the index range allocated to it.

  2. Incompatible HANA JDBC Driver Version: When using an incompatible version of the HANA JDBC Driver with the SAP HANA version.

  3. Firewall Issues: When the firewall is blocking the connection to the database.

  4. Incorrect connection string: When there are errors in the configuration values of the connection string.

  5. Authentication error: When there are authentication issues between the driver and the HANA database.

  6. Data Issues: When the input data exceeds the allowable size limit of the HANA database.

  7. Invalid SQL statement: When SQL syntax is incorrect.

  8. Incomplete Query: When query parameters are not sufficient for the query to execute successfully.

Inconclusive, detailed logging, debugging and investigation may be required to understand the exact cause of the error.