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There may be a few reasons why the absolute positioned image is not displaying inside the relative positioned element in Internet Explorer:

  1. Internet Explorer has some known issues with absolute positioning, and it may not always work as expected. This can be due to differences in how Internet Explorer handles certain CSS properties and positioning rules compared to other browsers.

  2. The HTML or CSS code may be incorrect or not fully supported in Internet Explorer. This can be due to outdated or proprietary code, missing or incorrect CSS properties, or other factors that may be preventing the image from displaying properly.

  3. There may be conflicts or errors with other elements on the page that are causing issues with the positioning or display of the absolute positioned image inside the relative positioned element.

To resolve these issues, it may be necessary to review the HTML and CSS code, test the page in different browsers, and make any necessary changes or updates to ensure that the image is properly positioned and displayed in Internet Explorer.