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There are several possible solutions to this issue:

  1. Check the file size: Make sure that the ".onnx" model file is not too large for the Google cloud function to handle. If the file size is too large, consider compressing it or splitting it into smaller files.

  2. Check the file format: Ensure that the ".onnx" model file is in the correct format and is compatible with the Google cloud function. If not, convert it to the appropriate format.

  3. Check the permissions: Ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to upload files to the Google cloud function. If not, obtain the required permissions.

  4. Check the network connection: Ensure that the network connection is stable and strong enough to upload the ".onnx" model file to the Google cloud function. If not, try uploading the file from a different location or device.

  5. Contact Google support: If none of the above solutions work, reach out to Google support for assistance in resolving the issue.