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There are several ways to keep the values in the view model intact while navigating between screens:

  1. Use a single activity architecture: In this architecture, use only one activity and multiple fragments. This will ensure that the view model of the activity and all the fragments share the same lifecycle and hence their values can be retained.

  2. Use shared view model: Shared view model is a view model that can be shared between multiple fragments or activities in an application. By using shared view model, you can ensure that the values in the view model are retained while navigating between screens.

  3. Use saved instance state: You can save the state of the view model in the saved instance state bundle and restore it when the activity or fragment is recreated. This will help in retaining the values of the view model.

  4. Use local storage: You can also save the values of the view model in the local storage of the device and retrieve them when navigating between screens.

  5. Use LiveData: LiveData is an observable data holder that is lifecycle-aware. By using LiveData, you can ensure that the values of the view model are updated and retained automatically while navigating between screens.