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If you are having issues with distorted or excessively sized custom icons in your Flutter app, you can follow these steps to fix the issue using

  1. Go to and choose the icon you want to use in your project.
  2. Customize the icon by selecting the size, color, and style you prefer.
  3. Once you have customized the icon, click on the "Download" button to download the icon as a zip file.
  4. Extract the contents of the zip file and copy the extracted files to your Flutter project's "icons" folder.
  5. Import the icon in your Flutter code using the following syntax:
import 'package:<your_project_name>/icons/<icon_name>.dart';
  1. Use the icon in your code by passing it as a parameter to the Icon widget:

By using to generate your custom icons, you can ensure that they are properly sized and formatted for use in your Flutter app.