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The process for removing files that have particular patterns in Python involves the following steps:

  1. Import the os module, which provides a way to interact with the file system.
  2. Define the directory path where the files are located.
  3. Use the os.listdir() method to list all the files in the directory.
  4. Loop through the list of files and identify the files that match the pattern you want to remove.
  5. Apply the os.remove() method to delete the files that match the pattern.

Here's an example code snippet that removes all files from the current directory that have the '.txt' file extension:

import os

directory_path = '.'

files = os.listdir(directory_path)

for file in files:
    if file.endswith('.txt'):
        os.remove(os.path.join(directory_path, file))

In this code, the os.path.join() method is used to join the directory path with each file name, creating the full file path required by the os.remove() method. The if statement checks if the file extension is '.txt' and then calls the os.remove() method to delete the file.