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"Skipping due to null end bounds" means that the MaterialContainerTransform is unable to determine the bounds of the destination view (the end view) properly. This can occur if the end view is not yet laid out or measured.

To ensure that the end view is properly laid out and measured so that the MaterialContainerTransform can be executed, you can do the following:

  1. Make sure that the end view is fully inflated and attached to the window before starting the animation.

  2. Ensure that any views inside the end view (if applicable) are also fully inflated and attached to the window.

  3. If the end view is being dynamically generated, ensure that its dimensions are set before starting the animation.

  4. If the end view is inside a nested scroll view or a view pager, make sure that it is not inside a dynamically sized container.

  5. If none of the above steps work, you can manually set the bounds of the end view using the setEndView method of the MaterialContainerTransform.