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There are a few possible solutions to this issue:

  1. Use parameterized queries: Instead of concatenating values directly into an SQL query, use parameterized queries where the dynamic value is passed as a parameter. This can prevent SQL injection attacks as well as resolve syntax errors. Most popular Node.js database libraries such as Sequelize or Knex.js have built-in methods for parameterized queries.

  2. Check the data type of the dynamic value: Ensure that the dynamic value being passed to the query is of the correct data type. For example, if the column in the database is of type integer, make sure that the dynamic value being passed is also an integer.

  3. Escape special characters: Make sure that any special characters in the dynamic value are properly escaped before being passed to the SQL query. This can prevent syntax errors and injection attacks.

  4. Debug the SQL query: Print out the SQL query to the console before executing it to see if there are any syntax errors. This can help identify the exact issue with the SQL query and help to fix it.