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To incorporate an OData FilterClause into a collection that is either an IEnumerable or IQueryable, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of ODataQueryOptions<t>, where T is the type of the collection you are filtering.

  2. Use the Filter property of the ODataQueryOptions<t> instance to retrieve the FilterClause for the request.

  3. Convert the collection to an IQueryable if it is not already one. This can be done with the AsQueryable() extension method.

  4. Use the Where method on the IQueryable instance to apply the FilterClause.

  5. Return the filtered collection.

Example code:

public IQueryable<Product> GetProducts(ODataQueryOptions<Product> options)
    var filterClause = options.Filter.FilterClause;

    IQueryable<Product> products = _dbContext.Products;

    products = products.Where(filterClause);

    return products;

Note that this example assumes that the _dbContext.Products field is an IQueryable<product>. If your collection is an IEnumerable<product>, you will need to modify the code to use the AsQueryable() extension method before applying the filter.