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The process of importing a text file into a table where the primary key is auto-generated involves the following steps:

  1. Create a new table with the desired structure and set the primary key column to auto-generate.
  2. Open the text file to be imported and ensure that it is properly formatted and contains the necessary data.
  3. Use a data import tool, such as the Import Wizard in Microsoft Access or the LOAD DATA INFILE command in MySQL, to import the data from the text file into the new table.
  4. During the import process, specify the columns to be imported and map them to the corresponding columns in the new table.
  5. Since the primary key column is set to auto-generate, leave it blank or insert a null value during the import process.
  6. Once the import is complete, the primary key column will be populated with auto-generated values for each row in the table.