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There can be a few reasons why Font Awesome Pro icons may not be functioning properly when used with React:

  1. Licensing: Font Awesome Pro requires a license to use its icons. If the license is not properly configured or is expired, the icons may not work properly.

  2. Installation: Font Awesome Pro requires specific installation instructions to work with React. It's possible that the installation was not done correctly, which can lead to issues such as missing or incorrect icons.

  3. Configuration: Font Awesome Pro has specific configuration options for React, which include importing the correct files and setting up the font family. If the configuration is not properly set up, the icons may not display correctly.

  4. Compatibility: Font Awesome Pro may not be compatible with all versions of React. Make sure to check the compatibility requirements and update React if necessary.

To resolve these issues, make sure to check the Font Awesome Pro documentation for React and follow the instructions closely. If the issues persist, contact the Font Awesome support team for further assistance.