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The error message "CSSMERRCSPNOUSERINTERACTION" suggests that the product sign is unable to access the keychain on the build agent to sign the .pkg file. This could be due to various reasons such as:

  1. Incorrect permissions: The user running the build may not have the necessary permissions to access the keychain.

  2. Missing keychain: The keychain required to sign the package may not be present on the build agent.

  3. Incorrect keychain configuration: The keychain may not be configured correctly to allow signing of the package.

  4. Keychain access prompt: If the build agent is running as a daemon or service, it may not be able to display the keychain access prompt required for signing the package.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Make sure that the user running the build has the necessary permissions to access the keychain.

  2. Verify that the required keychain is present on the build agent and is configured correctly.

  3. If necessary, create a new keychain with the required configuration.

  4. If the build agent is running as a daemon or service, consider running it in an interactive mode that allows the display of the keychain access prompt.