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Conflicts related to BOM and PEP 263 in Python script files can be resolved by following these steps:

  1. Determine the encoding of the Python script file. You can use a text editor or command-line tool to check the encoding.

  2. If the encoding is UTF-16 or UTF-32, ensure that the file does not contain a BOM. The BOM is a redundant character that can cause issues with PEP 263.

  3. Follow PEP 263 guidelines for specifying the encoding in the script. Add a comment at the top of the file indicating the encoding used in the file.

For example, if the file is UTF-16 encoded, the Python script should have the following comment at the top:

# -*- coding: utf-16 -*-
  1. Save the file and re-run the Python script.

By removing the BOM and following the PEP 263 guidelines, you can avoid conflicts related to encoding and ensure that the script works correctly.