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Here are the steps for launching an Android app's intent by using a link from the device's browser:

  1. Create a link for your Android app. This can be done by using an intent filter in the app's manifest file. The intent filter should define the type of data the app can handle (such as a URL).

  2. Create a button or link in your website or web page. This button/link should point to the URL that you created in step 1.

  3. When the user clicks on the link/button, the device's browser will recognize the URL as an intent and will prompt the user to open the link using the app.

  4. If the user chooses to open the link with the app, the Android system will launch the app and pass the data (such as the URL) to the app's intent.

  5. The app will then process the data and display the appropriate content to the user.

Note: It is important to ensure that your app is properly configured to handle the intent and that the intent filter is defined correctly in the app's manifest file.