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The process of splitting a full name string into first name and last name strings is typically done using string manipulation methods. A commonly used approach is to split the full name string using a delimiter such as a space, and then retrieve the first element as the first name and the last element as the last name.

Here's an example using Python:

# Input full name string
full_name = "John Doe"

# Split into first name and last name
name_parts = full_name.split(" ")
first_name = name_parts[0]
last_name = name_parts[-1]

# Output results
print("First Name: " + first_name)
print("Last Name: " + last_name)


First Name: John
Last Name: Doe

This method assumes that the full name string consists of only the first and last names separated by a space, and that there are no extraneous spaces before or after the names. If this is not the case, additional parsing or cleaning of the input string may be necessary.