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To set a repeatable key for IdeaVim in WebStorm, follow these steps:

  1. Open WebStorm.
  2. Click on "File" in the top menu and select "Settings" (or use the shortcut CTRL + ALT + S).
  3. In the left pane, select the "Plugins" option and then click on "Installed" tab.
  4. Look for "IdeaVim" in the list of installed plugins and click on it once to select it.
  5. Click on the "Properties" button at the bottom of the screen to open the IdeaVim properties.
  6. In the "Mapping" tab, click on the "Add" button to create a new mapping.
  7. Enter the following details for your mapping:

    • Key: The key combination that you want to use for repeating a command (such as ";" or ",").
    • Action: The command that you want to repeat.
  8. Click "Add" to save your new mapping. You can now use your chosen key combination to repeat your command in IdeaVim.

Note that not all Vim commands can be repeated, so make sure you test your new mapping to ensure it behaves as expected.